

Location/geographical coverage

Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Jagodina, District of Šumadija, Republic of Serbia

Background and description

This good practice takes place at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Kragujevac, within the Psychology Office of the Department of Social and Human Sciences.

Inclusive education was introduced into the Serbian educational system by the Law on the Basics of the Education System in 2009. The systematic introduction of inclusive education has been implemented since the 2009/2010 school year in completely unprepared circumstances: without adequate adaptation of space and adequate equipment in educational institutions, without appropriate professional and pedagogical preparation of educators, without developed appropriate literature that would be harmonized with the characteristics and emerging needs of Serbian educational system. Research from that period, not only immediately after the introduction, but also years later, shows great dissatisfaction among educators. Faced with numerous essential changes in their work, they believed that they were left to themselves and that they had neither adequate preparation nor adequate system support in their work.

During the past decade, in this higher education institution has been developing materials for working with students, for training them to apply inclusive principles and foster an inclusive culture in their future professions. The professor of this Higher Education Institution, Dr. Sunčica Macura, has been dealing with the problems of education of children from socially deprived areas for several decades, and that experience has contributed to the understanding of the problem and the quality of the produced inclusive material.

Courses were created whose contents fully or partially cover the field of inclusive education at basic academic, master’s and doctoral studies. At the basic academic studies, 2 subjects are studied: Inclusion in education and Basics of social pedagogy. 6 subjects are studied at master’s studies: Inclusive education; Inclusion in education; Cooperation and teamwork in inclusive education; Children’s rights, education and inclusion; Inclusive education – theory and practice and Individualization and support for students in educational work. The subject Education, social justice and inclusion is studied in doctoral studies.

Stakeholders and Partners

In addition to students at the home faculty – future preschool teachers, home educators, teachers and subject teachers, the educational materials developed for these subjects can be used by the wider university and professional public: related faculties, colleges, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, non-governmental organizations, the Ministry of Education, pedagogical assistants, parents and many other interested parties.

Methodological Approach

The study programs of individual subjects in the field of inclusive education, as well as scientific and professional literature, were created on the basis of relevant literature and representative research by domestic and foreign authors, as well as using experiences in working with students, both those who themselves come from socially deprived environments, as well as those who are particularly interested and sensitized to this issue; as well as the practical experiences of educators.


The orientation of students to choose subjects from the field of inclusive education, to participate in research and to write seminar and diploma papers in this field confirm the quality of the development of this measure.

That this practice is effective is also demonstrated by the commitment of students to study subjects from the field of inclusive education at all academic levels and to write final theses in this field.

Some bachelor’s and master’s theses on the topics of inclusive education are:

• Factors that shape teachers’ attitudes towards working with students with developmental disabilities, by Mileva Topalović

• Teachers’ views on the inclusion of Roma students in extracurricular activities, by Vesna Stanković Nedeljković

• Case study of student V.R. through the prism of inclusive education, by Biljana Milićević

• Perception of the causes of school failure of Roma students by their teachers, by Milena Stefanović

Success Factors

Work programs, professional literature, research and materials for working with students are constantly being developed. The key success factors are good knowledge of the issues and quality cooperation with students.


For the sustainability of such projects, it is necessary:

• greater and more systematic investment in scientific research dealing with inclusive issues, as well as better social promotion of inclusive culture;

• better social evaluation of scientific work and adequate remuneration, given that the products of scientific work are undervalued;

• orientation towards democratic, humanistic and progressive values in society and the media.

Replicability and/or up-scaling potential

For the development of this practice, it is necessary to better inform the scientific and professional public about examples of good practice.

We need the affirmation of scientists who deal with this problem in a quality way.

A more systematic monitoring of the work of all higher education institutions by the Ministry of Education is necessary. Also, the collection of relevant data from the field of education and their availability to the scientific, professional and general public is of great importance.

Essential linking and networking of higher, secondary, elementary and preschool education is also necessary, as well as the development of awareness of responsibility in one’s own work for the social environment in which we live and work.


In order for this good practice to be applicable in other environments, better communication and connection between all institutions of the educational system is necessary.

Contact details

Faculty address: Milana Mijalkovića 14, 35 000 Jagodina;

Phones: +381 35 8223 805, +381 35 8222 262

URL of the practice Reference document

Related resources that have been developed

The developed resources are papers in which the results of research on the attitudes of students of pedagogical faculties towards inclusive education are published, that is, the topic of which is inclusive education.